Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay, I was tagged by my sister, Jessica, months ago, but now I am finally getting around to doing one of those list things where you reveal a few things about yourself. So here goes:

Seven Things I learned in 2007:

1. Three children are more fun and less stressful than I thought it would be.

2. Under a lot of pressure, I can and did rise to the occasion.

3. I'll probably never know what it's like to give birth naturally (c-sections for me every time) and I think I'm okay with that.

4. My husband is still an amazing Dad and 'gets' boys way more than I ever will.

5. Some years are better than others, this one was better than the last for me.

6. New wrinkles can just pop up out of the blue without much notice. Boo!

7. After 3 babies, I still got what it takes to wakeboard. Whew! And I don't ever want to quit doing those fun things!

Seven Goals for 2008

1. Go to bed earlier -- (don't laugh Dave, one of these days...)

2. Do a mini triathlon (very mini)

3. Do yoga or something semi-regular for my physical well-being

4. Tackle some home-improvement projects (i.e. paint, furnish, put pictures up)

5. Write my parents more often.

6. Be more patient.

7. Try not to ever yell.


Jessica Davis said...

Hey!! I am so excited to see a new post on here. I like your goals and things you learned. You rock! So how late do you go to bed typically? You really are quite the little night owl.

Lon and Kaye Nally said...

Hooray! We got past November! How good to see your update! Now you're all making me look bad in the blogging department! Love and hugs to you all...............

Libby said...

Yeah, a new post! I could just copy and paste all of your goals for myself. Maybe I will . . .

Mom of Four said...

I go to bed too late, Jess. By 11:30 I'm pretty much gone.

chickadee3357 said...

Yay! Love the goals.

Alisa Frei said...

I've been waiting SO long for a current post. I loved reading the "things you learned" and your goals. But remember, goals are suppose to be realistic and as long as I've known you (about 18 yrs, whoa!), your simply, a night owl who loves to sleep in. I say, accept it and make a new goal to call your BFF more often!

Kristin said...

Yeah! Updates!

Loved reading about your goals.

I have a severe staying up too late problem too.

AnnieB said...

i think i could copy and paste and have the same goals for the new year--especially the no yelling, and excluding the mini-marathon. no desire--i'm just not tough enough! yoga-i'd be up for! And the going to bed early--i've resigned myself to the fact that i'm a night owl. hoo! hoo!