Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Homework, Homework, and more HOMEWORK!!!

So being a student again is so hard right now with three kids. Did I say being a student again? I meant being the parent of a student. Okay, I know we are talking kindergarten, but the homework they require is sometimes overwhelming for me. I know it's only a few worksheets here and there, but now they've added reading -- 2 books every day -- one Jonny reads to me and one I read to him. It's also a little hard to do the worksheet stuff when your child has a natural aversion to doing anything with a pencil. There is not a whole lot of interest in writing with him -- (I think that is kind of a boy thing), but the good news is that I had a mini teacher conference today with his teacher and he is doing really great at school socially and academically. The funny thing that happened yesterday was he brought his school packet home which shows all the work they've been doing at school. And I pulled out his writing stuff and his letters looked Amazing! They were clear, dark letters with great form and I was like Wow -- he has improved a lot! So I said, "Jonny, Wow, did you do all these letters?" He said "Yeah. Well, actually no, Kaitlyn did them for me. I don't really like doing letters so she helps me out and did those for me." Hahahahah! I don't think he even gets the concept of cheating at this age. I think in his mind, he's like "hey, this stuff is hard and boring and if this girl is willing to do this for me, then that suits me just fine." We'll definitely have to nip this and hopefully it won't become a problem, but I thought that was kind of funny that he figured out a better way in his mind. Jonny does like school though and seems to enjoy having a routine and structure. It is actually suiting him very well. He's starting to tell James certain rules about things because that's what his teacher says you're supposed to do. And James has just started our Mom's Preschool where I get to take part one every four weeks. He LOVES it and loves his little friends (2 boys and a girl) who do it with him. No homework for him though :) and he loves being the 'oldest at home' while Jonny is off to school.


Libby said...

Hahaha! Jonnie is a smart kid. He already knows how to work the system.

Jessica Davis said...

Haha! That is such a fun story. I can't believe he's in school!!! So crazy. I'm with Libby--I think he's a smart kid to figure out a way to work the system. So fun.

Alisa Frei said...

Ci, Your boys are such hotties!!! How fun for Jonny. That story is hilarious. I hear the homework is horrible these days! Just put a book and pencil under his pillow, I'm sure that'll work.

chickadee3357 said...

That is so funny. That little brain is working constantly. He is definitely a Palmer boy.

Mom of Four said...

What C failed to mention is that I used to do the same things in school...glad to see I am influencing his education.