Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sister Time

I miss these three other girls. I need to give them a shout out! Melinda, is on the far left. She has 8 children! Does that seem weird when you look at her? Because it is! Who has 8 kids and looks like that? She does! And she LOVES every minute of it! Jessica is next to her with the dark brown hair. I always wanted her dark curls because my blonde straight hair was so boring! She has one little boy named Teddy who is so cute and she is becoming the most amazing and beautiful mother. Libby is the one next to me. She has 4 girls, about the same age as my boys and she looks 12. Really, when she was a returned missionary (age 22), she was getting on a flight and the lady at the counter asked her if she needed an escort. So every time we get together, we go back in time -- back to the good old days and memories...and we rehash the same memories over and over and laugh forever! It is awesome! We are trying to figure out a way to all live on the same street together and raise each others kids. (Think of all the breaks you could get or all the times you could run to the store without kids!)

Sometimes...or usually...we get a little weird. But it's always good for a laugh!

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1 comment:

Alisa Frei said...

YEA!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! I loved the post and the pix! Miss you.